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Suppose you were going south of the border for the holidays. Accidents can happen along the way and your current insurance may not cover it. For Freeway Insurance, getting additional coverage beforehand may spell the difference between a simple setback and a ruined vacation.
Chances are that your insurance coverage in the United States may not apply or may be extremely limited in Mexico. Laws vary by the region, and getting involved in an accident such as a car collision can leave you guilty, even when not at fault, until an investigation can take place. These investigations can take days to process, and you may be arrested and your car may be impounded.
To avoid these kinds of hassles, you can purchase additional insurance coverage and liability insurance to cover for unforeseen events that may happen south of the border.
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Freeway Insurance offers affordable insurance coverage with low deductibles throughout Mexico.
Insurance bought must be issued in the name of the vehicle’s owner; in Mexico, no one, save the owner’s spouse or children, is allowed to drive the vehicle unless the owner is riding inside it.
Going to Mexico during the holidays should be a worry-free and enjoyable experience, and concerns like accident coverage can be put to rest when you have ample coverage. You can access more information from the Freeway Insurance website.
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